A Honest to God Review of “ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY”

by Paolo Lozupone


Star Wars strikes back with it’s first anthology film, ”Rogue One”.

 Spoiler-free section

 The movie is set in between episodes 3 and 4, thus in between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and features the story of a band of rebels that will steal the famous Death Star plans we’ve heared about since 1977.

There is no Luke Skywalker, no Obi-Wan Kenobi and no Ashoka Tano, this story is not about an aspiring young man who wants to become a Jedi Knight and save the galaxy from the evil dark lords of the Sith. This story is about sacrifice, about loss, about regular people who unite on the battlefield to make the real difference.

*This review will now contain spoilers, so if you haven’t watched the film, then what the hell are you doing here?? Go to your nearest cinema watch it and then get back here!! * 

Continue reading “A Honest to God Review of “ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY””

Dr. Strange, a Disappointment? (*No Spoilers) And The Future MCU

by Paolo Lozupone


            The Marvel Cinematic Universe opened its third phase with a box office hit, Captain America: Civil War, based on the critically acclaimed Marvel comics that appeared exactly 15 years ago. The film was well received and earned over $700 million domestically, and a total of $1 billion worldwide. The third Captain America movie introduced Black Panther and Spiderman, without the use of an origin story. Both T’challa and Peter Parker are already fully formed superheroes, we all don’t need to watch uncle Ben die on the big screen again. The newest MCU film is the psychedelic origin story of the popular sorcerer named Stephen Strange.doctor-strange-trailer-arrives-watch-benedict-cumberbatch-in-action-as-the-spellbinding-930384

Did Dr. Strange disappoint fans?

The movie introduces us to Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), a brilliant neurosurgeon, whose life will dramatically change when he loses the use of his hands in a car accident.

After all his attempts to regain the use of his hands fail, Strange makes his way to Nepal after discovering that a paraplegic named Jonathan Pangborn, was mysteriously able to walk again thanks to the help of The Ancient One (Tilda Swinton). After mastering the ways of the mystical arts, Strange aided by his companion Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor), will have to face The Ancient One’s old student Kaecilius, who is trying to summon the lord of the dark dimension Dormammu, to end time and conquer death. Continue reading “Dr. Strange, a Disappointment? (*No Spoilers) And The Future MCU”